Stage of adaption :
Post-Harvest Stage
A2ZGODAAM is an online aggregation platform for warehouses and other Post harvest needs for farmers, farmer producer organisations, small aggregators, and other stakeholders in commodity value chain. The platform helps farmers, FPOs and other small aggregators to discover & identify Warehouses closer to their locations. It also provides access to all associated services related to Post Harvest requirements in their vicinity. Apart from facilitating discovery of storage space, A2ZGODAAM also facilitates for financial and market linkage for the stored commodity. It facilitates discovery of transportation and handling solutions along with insurance and quality assayers. A2ZGODAAM strives to be a complete basket of offerings with respect to post-harvest agriculture services. It provides warehouse owners with an opportunity to list their warehouses for better capacity utilisation. The platform supplements governments objective of helping farmers and farmer producer organisations to access warehouses and other post-harvest services at the click of a button. To reduce losses due to reduced capacity utilisation, government can promote their warehouses on the platform and ensure higher visibility for the State and Central Warehousing Corporations among farmers and FPOs.
• Provides a one-stop comprehensive digital platform for search, discovery and fulfilment of warehousing and other important post-harvest agriculture services for farmer, FPOs and other stakeholders
• Facilitates access to credit for farmers and FPOs through better access to financial institutions. It also features NBFCs apart from the formal banking channels.
• Improves access to government warehouses for farmers and FPOs and thereby improve capacity utilisation of government and PAC warehouses.
• It provides for a single window of offering for farmers and FPOs to access all post-harvest service providers with great ease and transparency.
• The platform provides for savings for all stakeholders from cost optimisation in warehouse management services, financing solutions, quality assayers, insurance and logistics due to advantage related to economies of scale. Some of these savings get passed down to farmers resulting in income appreciation for them.
• Minimizes person-to-person contact, the most basic tenet of Social Distancing during the COVID-19 scenario
Test Marketing completed
This is a digital extension of Arya’s current business model and has been tested across a wide range of customers. It is expected to be launched in the public domain by June 10, 2020.
The Platform has been tested with Arya’s Internal Customer base including more than 1500 customers, 90 Farmer Producer Organisations with a membership base of 60,000 farmers.
Technology Not Protected
Not Applicable
• Farmers
• Farmer Producer Organisations
• Government
• Small Aggregators
• Banks/NBFCs
The Platform is being launched with a base of 700 warehouses and intends to bring together 3000 warehouses in FY 2020-21. Over the next 5 years, the platform will provide discovery of 20000 agriculture warehouses in the country. It would have multiple transporters, financiers and service providers serving agricultural stakeholders across the country. The platform is built to handle scale seamlessly.
Not envisaged
• User Fee: This is currently available for free to Users.
• Users will be required to only pay for services availed by them through the Platform. These services include Logistics, Handling, Finance, Fumigation, Insurance & Quality Testing.
India has about 110 million tonnes of constructed storage capacity. Studies suggest that as a country, we have a storage gap in excess of 35%. Multiple stakeholders are deprived of storage every harvesting season and farmers are forced to sell in distress to meet their sustenance needs. It is ironical that while farmers and other value chain players struggle to find suitable storage options, large warehousing spaces remain unoccupied. A2ZGODAAM.COM is an effort to democratise the available agri storage infrastructure in the country.

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+91 97 429 79 111